Dr. Deepali Chopde Tambatkar is graduated from Nair Hospital Dental College (Mumbai)renowned and one of the best Dental colleges in-country. Completed her graduation in the year 2001

If you are dealing with missing teeth that can interrupt your daily life, impacting both aesthetics and everyday activities like eating and speaking. Worry not, consider visiting Om Dental Clinic in Kalyan, where you can get fixed teeth within just 72 hours.

Fixed Teeth In 72 hours

If you are dealing with missing teeth that can interrupt your daily life, impacting both aesthetics and everyday activities like eating and speaking. Worry not, consider visiting Om Dental Clinic in Kalyan, where you can get fixed teeth within just 72 hours.

Fixed Teeth In 72 Hours – The Concept:

Fixed Teeth in 72 Hours represents an advanced approach to dental implant treatment, aiming to provide with a fully restored set of teeth within a remarkably short time frame. This technique utilizes basal implants, a specialized type of dental implant that engages the basal or cortical bone for stability, allowing for rapid osseointegration i.e. fusion of the bone with the implant and quick restoration of function and aesthetics.

What Are Basal Implants?

Basal Implants, also known as cortical or bicortical implants, differ from traditional dental implants in that they engage the dense basal bone, providing immediate stability and support for the dental prosthesis. Unlike conventional implants that rely on the quality of the alveolar bone, basal implants anchor into the strong basal bone, allowing for quicker healing and a reduced timeline for fixed teeth restoration.

Advantages Of Basal Implants:

Immediate Functionality: Basal implants allow for the immediate loading of the dental prosthesis, providing patients with functional and aesthetically pleasing fixed teeth within a short time frame.

Reduced Treatment Time: The use of basal implants significantly reduces the overall treatment time compared to traditional implants, enabling patients to enjoy a complete dental restoration in just 72 hours.

Minimal Bone Dependency: Basal implants engage the strong basal bone, making them suitable for individuals with compromised alveolar bone or those who may require bone grafting with traditional implants.

Stability and Strength: The engagement of the basal bone provides exceptional stability and strength to basal implants, ensuring a secure foundation for fixed teeth and enhanced chewing efficiency.

Single-Stage Surgery: Basal implant placement often involves a single-stage surgery, simplifying the treatment process and minimizing patient discomfort.

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Difference Between Basal Implants And Regular Dental Implants:

Bone Engagement: Basal implants engage the basal bone, while traditional implants rely on the alveolar bone for support.

Treatment Time: Basal implants offer a quicker treatment timeline, often allowing for immediate loading and restoration within 72 hours.

Bone Quality: Basal implants are suitable for individuals with compromised bone quality, as they anchor into the dense basal bone.

Stability: Basal implants provide immediate stability due to their engagement with the strong basal bone.

The Process: Dental Implant In 72 Hours

Consultation: The process begins with a comprehensive consultation to assess the patient's oral health, determine suitability for basal implants, and discuss treatment goals.

Diagnostic Imaging: Advanced diagnostic imaging, such as CBCT scans, helps in planning the precise placement of basal implants.

Implant Placement: Basal implants are strategically placed into the basal bone during a single-stage surgery, providing immediate stability.

Immediate Loading: Fixed teeth are attached to the implants immediately after placement, allowing for immediate functionality and aesthetics.

Follow-Up Care: You receive post-operative care instructions and follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process and ensure optimal results.

Discover a rapid smile transformation with Fixed Teeth in 72 Hours at Om Dental Clinic. Powered by basal implants, this streamlined process ensures swift restoration, immediate functionality, and minimal treatment time. Consult our experienced dentist for a beautiful smile with Fixed teeth in 72 hours in Kalyan.